Friday, May 18, 2007

Not Much Going On...

Well, since I last posted there has not been too much going on...On May 5th, I attended the Knit and Spin Because We Can event. About 25 to 30 spinners, knitters and/or crocheters were there. They had a "free" table and a "for sale" table. From the "free" table, I ended up with several crochet bed doll patterns and two years of the Annie's Bed Doll Collections!!!! From the "for sale" table, I bought a couple of tote bags from Tidbits, some this and that yarn, and a beautiful hand dyed skein of sock yarn. The sock yarn was hand dyed by the cousin of one of the group member. The cousin lives in Germany and had sent a box of her yarn here to be sold. I hope there is more, because it was beautiful stuff!

The next Saturday, May 12, I spent some time at Knit N Needle Nook in Mount Dora. Lora had a Russian friend there. It was fascinating to listen to them talking in Russian. I only understood one word - NO! hehehe But I am getting a little ahead of myself...On Thursday, May 10, I made a purchase...a rather large purchase... :-) I bought a Kromski Symphony spinning wheel in walnut AND a Kromski Harp loom. They arrived Wednesday afternoon and I stayed up until midnight trying to put them together...The wheel was about 98% complete and the loom maybe 50%. I will not be able to finish putting them together until this weekend because we are staying with a friend while her husband is out of town. I will have pictures of them posted soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are enjoying the new equipment and that you have a lot of fun with the blog.....don't forget about the ____ radius!