Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So I Haven't Held Up My End of the Deal

The resolutions put forth in a previous post have been failed at and miserably! I have come to realize it is going to take more than just making up my mind to do it...I have to be accountable to an outside, third party. I am going to try to talk S into letting me go to a nutritionist. Once I start with that, I would love to start working with a trainer again. I really got a lot out of working with a trainer previously, but things happened - I had surgery and she moved out of state - so I didn't get to continue with her.

As far as knitting from the stash....Let's talk about something else. :0) I found a really neat app for the iPhone, KnitBuddy. It has a stash feature that allows for pictures of the yarn, fiber content, yarn weight, color, dye lot, number of skeins, yards/meters per skein, ounces/grams per skein, and swatch information. I have taken the time to catalog all of the yarn AND take pictures, so I will have an accurate record of what I have. The app also has functions to list projects, knitting needles and crochet hooks. As with all things, there are pros and cons. My main con for the app is that there is no way (that I know of) to download the information from the phone to the computer. It would be great if they would create a similar program for the computer, so the information could be sync'd. I am trying to get all of the yarn loaded into Ravelry now...This is a CHORE, but I want to do it so I know what I have.

Another resolution I made, but really didn't mention to anyone was about going back to school. I have been looking into it for a while. I finally took the plunge today and applied. I applied to the online degree program with UMass - will probably end up working on an English major. I am hoping they will accept the credits I earned when I went to TCC for a year in the early 90's...not overly positive that will be the case, but I can hope! :0)

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Topenchilada (Laura J) said...

What a great idea - going back to school.

I have an idea about combining your knitting from the stash promise with the nutritionist. And I can recommend someone. Not a nutritionist, but someone interested in proper nutrition. And he can refer you to a stellar nutritionist. Yes, I'm talking about my "farm guy".

Bet you didn't think I read your blog...