Thursday, September 17, 2009

Official Last Day

Today is the official last day...I had to deliver my signed severance paperwork. It was really difficult to walk in there with my head held high. I am not so sure if I was successful or not. We were planning on heading to Tallahassee today but Stevie wasn't feel good so we decided to stay home.

I am not so sure how I am going to be able staying home all day, every day. All of the little noises the house makes are already driving me crazy. But what can I do? I don't have much of a choice. They didn't give me much of a choice.

I have a lot of anger now about the situation. I just don't understand why it had to be me. My 7 years with the company was nothing compared to the majority of the ladies on my team. However, I have something only one of them agent's license.

How am I going to move on from this? Where am I going to start? Do I sell myself short and look at entry level jobs? Or do I shoot for the stars, using my experience as a jumping board? I just don't know....

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