Friday, July 6, 2007

4th of July

DH and I went to a friend’s (L and her DH, J) house for the 4th. L has an amazing stash for a non-store owner. In the room she has set us as her craft room (the Green Room), she has a wall of yarn, basically separated by color. She has an electric drum carder, a great wheel, a Fricke, and a Hitchhiker. There is a sewing machine in the same room and a book case full of fiber arts books…That was enough to impress me, but I was thinking to myself that I could mount a close second with my stash. Hehehe…I was fooling myself. She then took us into another bedroom (the Yellow Room - keep in mind, these are not small rooms by any degree). One wall of this room was piled over my head (not too hard to achieve) with plastic bins. In these bins were more yarn and fleeces. I could see about six fleeces, but L assured me there were several more hidden away. Honestly, I cannot do justice to what I saw here…I wish I would have thought to take a picture of it. The funniest part of the Yellow Room was the look of sheer (no pun intended) terror on my DHs face. I could almost read his thoughts – OH MY GOODNESS, THIS IS WHAT MY HOUSE WILL LOOK LIKE BY THE END OF THE YEAR!!!!

DH and I had a great time with L & DH J. Hopefully, this will be the first of many get togethers! Oh, I forgot to mention, L has two wonderful kitties! I took some pictures of them…Here they are!

1 comment:

Topenchilada (Laura J) said...

I am sooo glad you did NOT take any pictures of my green and or yellow rooms. I don't want any evidence lying around, he he he.

And my poor DH rarely ventures over to that side of the house. He gets that look of terror on his face every time he walks into the yellow room.