Saturday, October 13, 2007

Bad Day

Have you ever been made to feel inadequate, insufficient and invisible? I did today. It has almost taken me to the point of never wanting to knit, crochet or spin again. It is amazing how something as simple as a comment and voice inflection can make it feel like someone punched you in the stomach. Regardless of who said what and how it was said, I came home in tears today. At this point, I am not sure if I will be going back to the Saturday morning knitting/spinning group. With that being said, I am thinking very seriously about selling off my yarn/fiber stash and equipment and finding a new hobby or refreshing an old one...

In other news, I spent the day at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure yesterday, with my co-workers. The weather was beautiful but it was a little too warm for me. I was dreading this trip. It wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be, but it was still bad. I absolutely HATE going to the parks. This is mainly because of the insanely high prices of everything. Also, once you have been to the park, it will be basically the same the next time you go...okay so maybe one attraction will be different, but that is not worth the price of admission to me.

Okay, enough of the griping...

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